In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bee Hives

It's March and the weather for the last two weeks have been like May. We had a very mild winter. I have been on vacations before, in March, and come home to snow storms. But it's been in the 70's and 80's. I suppose we could still have a snow storm as it is March. A very unpredictable month. The frost free date for our area is May 10-15. And it's March! Law people! March.

So last week I got into my beehives on our land. I still have two in town that I need to get into. I did not go through to the bottom of the hives and do a full inspection. I'll save that for next month. But I did number each hive, in an attempt to keep better records.

And I found bees in every single hive.

And do you see this?

It's called capped brood. You don't have to see a queen in a hive to know there is one. You just need to see eggs, larvae, or capped brood. It's gonna be a good bee year. I can just feel it.

Cindy Bee

PS - If this weather keeps up and my hives continue thriving then I will have bees for sale.


  1. So glad things are off to such a good start for you!

  2. Glad for you! If the hives get to full won't some of them just move down the road to a new home?

  3. If the hives get too full, they will swarm. If they swarm, and they don't go too high in a tree, they can be rescued. I do not want to mess with swarms this year. But I hate to see them die as they probably won't survive a normal Indiana winter without a hive. On the other hand, I don't want any more hives than I already have. We'll see how it goes.

    Cindy Bee

  4. ..Oh to have bees in every hive! I'm starting over again this year. I ordered enough bees for 2 hives. I'm a newbie at this - looking forward to your posts so I can learn!

  5. Oh I am so happy for you and all the bee keepers around they have had some terrible times. I love your bee stories. they are sweet:) B

  6. Cindy, It's exciting about your bees. I just think keeping bees is something special. Not that I have ever...I just love bees,they help us with our flowers and food.Well that just sounded like a 3rd grade report . LOL :):) Smiles, xo, Susie(She Junks)

  7. YEY! Bees are doing well. I'm so happy for you.
    We've seen a few bees buzzing around the hood this weekend!

  8. Bees are on my wish list. I was hoping for this year but I've still got a lot to learn. Maybe next. I'm staying tuned and hope to learn a lot.

    Lovely week to you Cindy!

  10. I did catch up your blog, I've been very busy lately. (@.@;)"""
    I am happy you had a good time on your vacation, that is great !!! (^o^)/"""
    And it seems you will have spring soon or now ???
    Enjoy your spring days !!! (^o^)/"""

  11. wow .. i know what you mean bout this weather. hey do you want to go junking w me n my babe sometime...hugs

  12. Beautiful bees!! My daughter wants to have bees. I am leaving it up to her to get the hives and do the work. I love your photos--I think I say that every time, but it is so true, I feel as though I am right there!

  13. Yay Bees!! Now we just need that consistent 70 degree weather...


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