In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Let the Festivities Begin!

Thursday evening, several of us headed to downtown Kokomo, in the 103 degrees heat, to watch The Mummies in concert.

We went to this concert last year. I think it's cool the way The Mummies walk out through the crowd playing their instruments when they are going on stage.

They are a great band. Some of the words to their songs can be a little raunchy, but they play some good music, they put on a good show, and they are fun.

My Sister took time before the concert to show me how she "watched paint dry" the other day while I was watching honey drip.

She is ready to celebrate the 4th of July!

Then yesterday morning (Friday) Mom and Dad took my Shug and I out for breakfast for my birthday. We sat outside, "just like in Italy" they said! It was a very nice breakfast. Thanks Ma and Pa.
After that, my friend and I went garage sailing for a couple of hours, but it was way too hot out. I stopped by Groovy Girl Yarn on my way out to our house we are building. I was meeting the guys I used to watch and their Mom. They love to swim in the pond. But it actually started storming while they were there so we hung out on the porch for awhile and visited.

Winston just loves this guy!

They got me the best birthday card ever. At the bottom they wrote "Thank-You for being the best babysitter in the world." awwwwww......

As we were sitting there watching the storm, looking out at the pond, we notice an Egret AND a Blue Heron! See them?

Last night my Shug and I went back to the Haynes Apperson Festival to see the actual festival. Actually, it's a social thing. We go to see people we know, and get a lemon shake-up.

Foghat was playing. I know I know......Foghat? I lasted through four songs. I'm a 70's girl, but I'm a Van Morrison, John Mellencamp, James Taylor, Carly Simon, John Denver, Carole King 70's girl. OK, I'll admit it....Donny Osmond too. In 8th grade I went to an Osmond concert and My friends and I ordered matching t-shirts that said I'm Sweet and Innocent on them! Wish I still had that shirt.

Wish I had this truck too! I was going to put a note on the seat asking if they'd be interested in trading an Indian Motorcycle Chief for it.

So this is what I watched while Foghat was playing. These guys were doing all kinds of twisty things with their bodies. It was pretty fun to watch. It's some kind of dancing.
Today is my Birthday. I'm going to help my Shug work at the house for awhile. But not to worry, I'm gonna have fun because a bunch of us girls are going to see Magic Mike tonight!

And last night WE GOT RAIN!!! So maybe we'll have firworks this week after all!

Let the festivities begin!

Cindy Bee

PS - My spell check on my blog doesn't work anymore so sorry about spelling errors.


  1. MUMMIES! I'm SO jealous!

    Happy Birthday and enjoy Magic Mike! =)

  2. I love Theresa's toes

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Cindy Bee! You are much loved by your fam and friends and by your internet buddies.

    Have a wonderful day~!

  4. Happy Birthday Cindy . I love the toes and the Mummies I am not sure who they are but I will look it up. Have a nice fourth of July my friend I will be baling hay for Canada Day tomorrow. B

  5. Happy Birthday Cindy Bee!!!! Hope your whole day is fabulous! Does that mean your spell check will not work on the comments either? Sorry if there is any missspells from thie end also.

  6. Happy B-Day Mrs.Bee!!! I love those toes.. Please Send some rain to Alabama. As I type it is 105 with no end in sight.. I do Love Summer,really I do.

  7. Happy birthday! My hubby really wants to see the Mummies. Wish we could have seen them!

  8. Thank you for the Happy Birthday Wishes. I had a nice day. Magic Mike was a fun movie. Gotta go insulate our bathroom at the new house today. Not so much fun.

    Cindy Bee

  9. Happy Birthday! It looks like you were having a wonderful time. I love all the photos, it's nice to get a chance to know you better.

    I came here today with a blogging question. You seem to be pretty knowledgeable and I am just a beginner. I'm afraid to try new things, because I do not want to mess up the blog that I have. Here is my question... I noticed that you have two blogs. I want to start another blog. One where I can share lyrics and guitar chords to some favorite songs. Starting out with simple 2 and 3 chord songs for anyone wanting to learn guitar. On the dashboard page there is a new blog button . . . I think that is what I should hit, but I have this fear that if I hit that button I will loose Crafty Home Cottage. HELP. It would not be worth trying this if I lost the blog I love. I have met so many wonderful people through this blog. I do believe I might just cry if I accidentally deleted it, while trying to create another.
    If you don't get around to answering for a few days that's fine, and if I don't respond please forgive me. I will be a way from my computer next week. I going down to help my daughter move and I don't even know if she'll have the power turned on, or if we might be camping in the house for a few days. Have a wonderful 4th of July. I hope you can give this grandma a helping hand. I've tried googleing this without satisfaction.
    Connie :)

  10. Happy Birthday Cindy, Looks like you had some fun. So nice of your parents to take you to breakfast too. Love them and hug them all you can girl. Hope to see you at the Horton's french flea next weekend. Smiles, Susie

  11. Wow, I haven't visited you for a long time, and now I found out it was HAPPY BIIRTHDAY !!!
    So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cindy Bee--- !!! p(^o^)q"""
    Sorry, i haven't forgotten about you. Wow, you've been enjoying your days, that is wonderful !!!
    Yesterday Mr.Wolf and I enjoyed to see fireworks on base, but my Koume(chihuahua) did not like it, poor her, shaking in my arms. (;*.*;)""" boooooooo ....... (-.-;)"""


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment on my blog. I enjoy reading them. I hope you have a wonderful day.
