In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Flying solo!

When I showed my friend all of the stuff I got at the Hobby Lobby for under $50, her mouth fell open.  Not because of the good deal, but because I bought all of this stuff!  Well look closer I said.  It's mostly stickers, and notebooks,  a pad of paper and a couple of journal covers.
(it was a week later when she went to the Hob Lob and spent more than that!)

 I used to scrapbook a lot.  Well now the thing is travel journal, junk journal, or smash book.  And according to the experts, they all mean the same thing.
 It's a less formal way of scrapbooking and I love it!  It's much faster.
 So I took a couple of hours and dug into my loot (old and new stuff) and made a travel journal. 
I'm traveling. 
By myself. 
At least the first part of the journey is by myself.
I'm meeting up with a friend once I get there....and I'm taking my computer in hopes that I have some time to post about the trip.  And if I do I'll show you what's been going on in life, and my new travel journal!

But the most important part is this.....I don't think I've ever taken myself to the airport and traveled alone...ever.  And I'll be 60 soon.  I have gone to the airport by myself to pick people up.  And I've flown by myself, but my parents took me to the airport, and I was in my 30's then.  But this time....I'm doing it all on my own.  Wish me luck.  Say a prayer.  I'm exited!!!!!



  1. Lovely items added to your stash, good luck on your journey, can't wait to hear the details.

  2. Love, love, love your haul.. yesterday I bought a bunch of painting brushes.. :)

  3. Oh! Have fun traveling, Cindy. I have taken several trips alone but they have all been long-haul driving ones. I hope you have fun traveling by yourself.

    It's always fun to get all those goodies at Hobby Lobby. I finally gave away most of my scrapbooking stuff to my grandgirls and hope that they have fun with it. xo Diana

  4. Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores I can easily see how you bought all that you did!! Traveling is exciting and I'm sure you will do just fine flying solo especially meeting up with a friend! I can't wait to see and hear about your travels!!
    Have Fun!!

  5. Wishing you a wonderful, adventurous and safe trip. Fill that journey with happy memories.
    Connie :)

  6. Hey everyone. I made it to the airport parking, trained to the airport, checked my bag, went through security and am now waiting to board the plane! I need a glass of wine!!!

  7. Perfect inspiration :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate.



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