In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Florida trip and travel journal

 Hi Everyone!  Can you believe this phone? 
I love it!
I told my Shug I want a home phone again. 
So all I have to do is plug this into my cell phone and voila'!
Just like a home phone....from the 1960's!
And yes it really works.  Clear as a bell!
So the trip I'm on....
 I made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare.  Even stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way.   I had over an hour before boarding and I was hungry, and I had a Pre Check boarding pass.  Lucky me.  Now, if you don't know...pre check on your boarding pass basically means you get to go to the front of the line.  No waiting for security and such.   I saw a food court and nabbed a McDonalds cheeseburger and fries.  Thing is....this whole time I visualized myself relaxing, having a glass of wine, posting it on Instagram, like I see all of these other travelers doing!  (and you say video games have no influence on the way we think!)   I got to the security line and BAM!  Pre Check was CLOSED!  I had to wait in line.  A very long line.   But I got through it and still had about a half hour to spare.  I texted my friend and told her the plane will be on time.  Emailed my Shug and told him I made it!  YAY!  Then we got the news....plane delayed until 7:00.  It was supposed to leave at 5:10.  Maintenance issue. Then 7:10 Actually we had to get a new plane and a different gate.  So.....

Yep...I had my glass of wine.  And I think the whole flight was in this same little bar kiosk place! It was fun chatting with people.

 I made it to Florida around 9:45pm Sunday evening.  My friend picked me up, now it's Monday, and I'm relaxing by the pool as I type!
Right here...
 And that was earlier.  And I'm by the pool again, only now it's later. 

We went to this very cool store called The Best of Everything.  They have all kinds of fun girly-lady type stuff.  Then we went to Coconut Jacks for lunch.
 I had Mambo Mahi Taco's and some kind of mango style drink, with a very cute umbrella!
And this was our Monday.

 You can stop here if you aren't interested in the travel diary.
 So, for those of you who want to see this travel diary (junk journal, smash journal) I was telling you are some of the pages I made.
I should say that one of the places that inspired me to try this kind of stuff was Mulberry Cottage in Nashville, IN.  You can follow them on Instagram at mulberrycottage.  My favorite shop in Nashville.
And I used to scrapbook, so for me this is a way of using my stuff.  It's a lot quicker than the way we used to scrapbook, and it's fun!
I used watercolors, stickers, die cuts, and washi tape.
This page was inserted with washi tape and the top part that says Travel without a map is a sticker.  I did what is called a tip in.  (google it) 
 Simple water color stripes.

 Stickers and washi tape
 water color and die cuts.

 See how you just kind of slap it on there and go with it.  Easy Peasy.
 Another little tip in.

 This is the outside of the binder.
 This particular binder holds at least four books...which is plenty.
So that's the fun little scrapbooky/travel journal.  Hope you like it!


PS.  When I get home I will show you the cute little binder/journal holder I got from Mulberry Cottage last year.


  1. Those travel delays can be such a pain! I am sorry your pre-board line was shut. We have had that happen, too. ugh.

    Looks like you are having a good time--enjoy every moment of it! xoDiana

  2. Glad you eventually got to your destination and are making up for lost time! The food and drinks look wonderful and love your journal pages! Have fun! x Karen

  3. Sunshine how wonderful, we are expecting snow today, and typical in UK, we don't need much to bring the whole area to a stand still. I have loads of books so I will read my way through the next few days, that's if we get any of the white stuff. Enjoy your trip.

  4. Cindy, I am so jealous. LOL The sun is shining here today also. that helps. Have fun and be safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. Love you friend's pool area, looks like a great place to lounge. I really like your journal.


  6. very beautiful and so lovely work :) i like your good idea ,Thanks for the inspiration!



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