Hi everyone! Just checking in to let you know that we do not have internet. It’s so cold here our WiFi antenna froze! We are getting a new one but it’s going to be a couple of days. The temperature high was 2° F today! In Celsius that is -16.6667. And that’s the high! So if all you summer peeps from across the pond are needing something to post, we could use some summer pictures of warm weather here in the USA!
Happy New Year!
Ps. I don’t think this weather is going to break for another week.
Ours was in and out, mostly out over the Christmas holidays and it drove me crazy. Hope you're back up soon.
ReplyDeleteOh-sorry about the internet---it's been crazy cold here in WI, too. Unbelievable. xo Diana
ReplyDeleteA short break from the internet won't hurt you.
ReplyDeleteStay warm and don't catch the flu!
Cozy up and crochet, sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteAbove all else stay warm:)
Happy New Year!
Connie :)