so I went to her blog. I commented for her to pack that baby up and head to Kokomo. She did!
I was actually in the other mansion talking to someone that I know who is in my spinning group, and this lady was coming down the stairs (you get a full tour of the mansion while you visit the WWW) and she said, "Are you Cindy?" I looked at her and said, "yes, how did you know that?" She said, "I heard you say drop spindle to that man......." so she finishes her tour and she came over to the building I was spinning at, but first she had to shop.
She's on the left, I'm on the right.
The funny thing is, neither one of us knew each others real name. She said she was going to ask for Cindy Bee and see if anyone knew me by that name, and when I went to introduce her I called her The Suburban Settler!
So she was doing the drop spindle a completely different way than I had ever seen. It all works, but I think my way is faster....maybe not. In any case, we both learned a new way to drop spindle. Here she is practicing my way .....happy as can be....
And this is why they call it a DROP spindle. It looks like she was posing for this picture, but she wasn't. I caught her completely off guard.
I was going to set up my spinning wheel, but the room we were in is so full of stuff for sale I didn't really have a place to set it up. After reading her post yesterday morning, I thought, that's it! I'll take my drop spindle. No one is using a drop spindle anyway. Blogging is fun folks and what great ideas we get from each other.
I took a few more pictures.
of things for sale.

I gotta tell you, I like dulcimer music....but in the same room as I'm in alllllllll daaaaaaay loooonnngggggg........
I gotta tell you, I like dulcimer music....but in the same room as I'm in alllllllll daaaaaaay loooonnngggggg........
Conversations during the day.....
"Hmmm, I wonder if I already have this book at home..."
"Oh I love that box..wish I would have seen it first...."
"can't you use cheap burlap to rug punch..."
"Oh I love this necklace..."
"oh I love that little suitcase..."
"ouch, that's a little steep for a book...but all those patterns..."
"they're going to tow that car parked in front of the driveway..."
"I love the colors of this fiber....but I have a basement full...what's one more..."
"shelf butt..."
"shelf butt, back fat, and flab around the middle..."
"You can't fix stupid..."
"you can't fix common sense either..."
"will you show her how to punch needle"
"I'm hot..."
"I'm cold..."
"I'm both..."
"I made peri-menopausal pj's..."
"will you show her how to felt"
"what's a cop doing here"
"I need chocolate..."
More to come, today's hours 11-5
Cindy Bee